Saturday, December 31, 2011

Maggie Stiefvater is giving away a bunch I mean a BUNCH of books!

I was lucky enough to meet Maggie this year at an impromptu book signing. It wasn't a scheduled signing or anything, but she had tweeted that she was going to be in Elliott Bay Books signing stock, and if any of her followers happened to be in the area, to go ahead and stop by. I was so excited because I missed her signings in the Seattle area and was really bummed so I snuck a little extra time into my lunch hour (more like a lunch hour and a half) and tracked her down. She was super sweet. Signed all of my books (five) and even drew a wolf in Forever. (Yes I did a little happy dance on my way back to car)

I know. I know. Quit rambling Cass and get to the goods. What are the rules? How do you win this bounty of books? Well, you have to pick your favorite post from her Blog. Easy. Right? NO. So much to choose from. But once you finally whittle it down to one super fantastic favorite post, the hard part is over. Now all you have to do is talk about your choice on Facebook, tumblr, twitter, heck if you still have a myspace account you could talk about it there. Just as long as you can copy and paste a link back into something fascinating called a GIANT CONTEST TABULATING MACHINE WEBSITINATOR. (I'm not quite sure what it is exactly but hope it is something magical)

Okay so now that you know how to enter, are you curious what my favorite post was? It was pretty easy. It was this one HERE. Yes November Cakes. Come on guys. Who wasn't excited to find out that Maggie made up a recipe to a made up food.(Actually my excitement came later, keep reading) Maggie posted the recipe before I read the book. (Yes, it took me a while to finally set aside the time. I can't just read a book a a little bit at a time. I have to devote large blocks of time so that I don't miss anything in the worlds I like to visit) So when I first saw the November Cakes post I thought "Clever girl. That's kinda neat." But it ended there. I filed the post away in my mind and went about my business. See I didn't read the book until Thanksgiving weekend, and when I got to the the part in the book where November Cakes came into play? My mouth started to water and I remembered her post and hurried back to jot down the recipe. This time my thoughts were "Wow. Not only does she write, play musical instruments (including but not limited to the bagpipes) scores music, creates stop motion book trailers and finds time to talk to the folks at NASA, but she creates her own recipes too? Genius!" And it gets better. Now she has improved on the original recipe and says you should use this one here.

So even though the November Cakes post might not have started out as my favorite post, it sure ended that way after reading The Scorpio Races.

And even though it's not part of the contest, I want to tell you what my favorite tweet of Maggie's was this year. It was on November 23rd. You all know just which one I'm talking about don't you? She was hinting about the WinterNovel she had been working on and was giving her followers a teaser. She said that if we were fans of a certain work of hers, two words would tell us who she was writing about. Wait. You look confused. You do know which tweet I'm talking about. Right? It was this tweet right here:
Yes that's right. We are going to be taken back into her world of the Fae. And I for one can't wait. Hurry Maggie. I want to read The WinterNovel. Like Now.

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