Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mr. Darcy is my book boyfriend too

So today my good friend Thursday decided to play traitor. Usually this day of the week and I are pretty tight. I mean seriously Friday Eve is generally a really great day for me. But after today I was tempted to give up on Thursday's altogether.  I can't even pinpoint what pushed the day into a downward spiral, it was just one thing after another that just didn't go right, turning one of my favorite days into an all around sucky day. Sucky with a capital S. At least it was sucky until I got home. AlleyCat sensed Mom was having a bad day so she had a surprise waiting for me when I got home from work. She had cooked dinner and,  pushed the couches together into a pit so we could eat and watch movies. How awesome. Right?

We watched Lost in Austen on Netflix. "Amanda, an ardent Jane Austen fan, lives in present day London with her boyfriend Michael, until she finds she's swapped places with Austen's fictional creation Elizabeth Bennet." 

At one point during the movie, I turned to AlleyCat and admitted that Mr. Darcy* and I went wayyyy back. I told her he was an old book boyfriend of mine.  She giggled and said "That's funny mom. Mr. Darcy is my book boyfriend too".

Love that kid of mine. She turned my frown of a day upside down so it ended in a smile.

*Confession: I've read Pride and Prejudice, and watched various versions on tv. I will admit I have loved every one, but my favorite by far is with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. Whoever cast him is a genius.

For those who might have been curious, here's a photo of the couches in pit formation. We grab a bunch of pillows and blankets and everyone curls up to watch a movie. We often end up falling asleep there.

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