Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Book Trailers

You know I was really surprised the first time I saw a book trailer. I was confused, and thought it was a movie trailer and couldn't wait til it came out. Then I learned to was Book Trailer and thought what a great marketing idea.

One of Ms Nelson's clients (I think it was a client) posted a book trailer recently on Pub Rants and I thought it was kind of cute. The author posted about the filming, how it was done, where it was done, etc. and the info was good.

I play with Microsoft Movie Maker and some of our family photo's to make slide show type movies with sound and wondered how hard it would be to make your own book trailer.

Remember me - putting the cart before the horse? Well, I'm at it again. I played around on the computer last night and put together a 4 minute (probably a tad bit too long) book trailer. Now of course this first time out was for my own amusement (I copied some pics I found out on the net and used a song from Blue October) so because of copyright laws, I can't even post it, but you will have to take my word for it IT WAS ACTUALLY OKAY. NOT GREAT, BUT OKAY.
Do you want to know the best thing about it? By the time I was done last night, I was inspired to work on my WIP, which in the end was a good thing. Every once in a while I need to have some inspiration, even if it is a book trailer that only I can watch. (okay, I was able to save it to my iTouch, so if you ask nicely I'll let you watch it :8])

Someday I'd like to have book trailers out on the web, and on tv to draw interest to my book(s), but until then I will just create my own to keep me amused.

Do you think of ways to promote your work once it's done?

Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

Robert A Meacham said...

I found you on Nathan Bransford blog. I thought I would stop by to say hello. Interesting you talk about book trailers. They do work, in fact, I did a trailer for a short story I wrote for the amazon short program- Daimon's Disguise. The trailer sparked a few sales.
I like your blog and good luck to you in all you write.