Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Over at one of my daily stops (sorry I wish I knew how to link to the exact post - but I'm still a bit old school at this) Anyway - his "You Tell Me" for today was "What have you given up for your writing dream?" Last count he had 216 comments.

When I read the responses to his post, and learned what some people have given up all in pursuit of their dream, I felt like a total fake. Maybe I don't want my dream badly enough? Trust me, I want my dream to be fulfilled, but not to the point that I feel the need to give up my job. Sure, it would be nice to be able to write all day long, but my job contributes to 1/2 of our household income and additional insurance for our family of four. That job allows for the added expense my dream has brought to our household: Joining, joining SCBWI-WW and going their upcoming conference (16 days and counting). All the paper & ink I have been purchasing. All of the writing books I have purchased. So instead of giving up my job, I write when I can where I can, and that works for me. Maybe this means that in pursuit of my dream, I have given up less time for the dream then some, but kept financial stability.

Looks like this is going to be a long one. I'm in the rambling mood.

I was recently at Though it's a favorite of mine to visit, I had not been over there since before the most recent secret agent competitions were over and the agent was announced. After reading Authoress's comments that this agent may not have sugar coated her responses, I found myself looking for the agents comments, and then going back to read the entries. Probably not the right way to do it...

Wow, Authoress was not lying. This agent didn't sugar coat a thing. Am I am glad I don't have a finished MS or I would have entered, and undoubtedly cried. Again. I learned so much from her responses though. I learned that I once again was not ready. Nope. I wasn't ready to submit my 1st page entry to SCBWI Western Washington but I did anyway. Of course I didn't even go to MSFV's blog until the day after I put my submission in the mail. I'm pretty sure that if/when they read my submission I will be told that my narration is off kilter. My MC is not narrating, so I should not have referred to Mom & Dad (as their names) it should have been her Mom and her Dad, etc. Ahhh I have so much to learn. But that's okay. That is why I scour the Internet looking for writing Blogs and information. That's why I buy book after book (or borrow some - my little brother is in Bagdhad and has left all of his writing books in my care until he returns, then yes he will demand I return them :-}).

Even though I will most likely look like a fool if my page is read I'm still terribly excited about the upcoming conference. I am looking forward to meeting other writers and learning more about the craft. Maybe even find a local crit group. All in all, I am looking forward to dedicating an entire weekend to my dream. To have a conference right here locally, how lucky am I?

I joined facebook a week or so ago. It appears to be a great place to find old friends and make new ones. So far I'm up to 13 friends. Maybe after the upcoming conference, I'll be able to add some more.

Are you on facebook? I am. Maybe we can be friends - just look for Cassidy Finn.
Are you going to any conferences? Which one(s)?
Do you have a favorite Blog you visit? Which one(s)

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Robert A Meacham said...

Hi again. I thought I would give you a visit because it has been a while. Like you, I am so very busy working 15 hours a day in retail, I write when and where I can. I suspect we both shall hang in because it is part of us. Good luck in all you do.