Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Long time, no post!

Wow. I'm lame. I haven't posted in something like 54 days!?!

Well, not like there are many readers to my blog, right?

Work has been keeping me busy, and then writing at night is keeping me busy too.

Submitted my first chapter of "Through the Rift" over at http://www.critiquecircle.com/ a couple of weeks ago, and was pleased with the critiques. I got the maximum 6 that a newbie can get, which made me very happy.

Pretty much all the crits were the same: My use of tense (past & present) sucked. Big time. Funny I don't see it as I write, but as soon as it is pointed out to me, whammo, right upside the head. Other then the issue with my improper usage or tense, and a little narration issue, overall comments were good. Yes, this pleased me. All critiquers said they were interested in more, as the story did grab them. People I personally don't know too. YEAH!!!

Of course I didn't announce that I was a member for any thick skin club, because I'm not really, so maybe they weren't as harsh on me as they could have been. No, if that was the case, they wouldn't have told me they wanted to read more. Right?

Trying to find a little time each day to check out some of my favorite Blogs, but find I don't spend as much time as I'd like. I found it was cutting into my writing a bit much.

Took some time out last week and created birthday invites for my Poppa Harry's 91st Birthday Party. Little post-cards that looked like a magazine cover.

What do you think?

Hey, who knows, maybe I can get work doing novelty party invitations?!?!?

Already planning the postcards for my book release party. Yes, you read that right. Okay - confession time. I have to finish it, then edit it, then submit to an agent, then edit again, then get representation, then find a publisher, then get an editor, then edit again and so on. Yes - that's me, always putting the horse before the cart.

Anyone else out there planning their book release party for an unfinished, unrepresented book?

Hope you are having a super summer. I am.

Thanks for stopping by.


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