Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm baaaack!

Well, I have taken my sweet time posting again haven't I? The last 4+ months have been used wisely though, I promise.

After reading several Publishing Industry Blog posts and online-articles about Social Networking and on-line presence of a writer (and the importance of each), I decided that I better start now, because I am, after all, cart before the horse girl.

I scoured the Internet for anything social networky (actually I just googled social networking sites) and joined several, if for no other reason then to make sure I was the one using CassidyFinn as a userid. (Yesiree, learned my lesson with when I had to settle for casscrafts instead of CassidyFinn, but hey, that turned out for the better right?)

I have joined: Brightkite, Facebook, LiveJournal, Ning, Skype, SnapMyLife, Tumblr, twitter, and WordPress.

Do you want to know what the best part of this adventure was? My fab iPhone. Even though I am not currently posting on all networks I joined, I can easily jump back an forth between any of them from anywhere I want. (As long there is 3G or Wi-Fi coverage of course)

Do you want to know what the worst part of this adventure was? My fab iPhone. I find myself constantly getting caught up in the time suck of twitter while on the job. Yes, my paying job. The one I have held for over 1/2 my life. The one that is unrelated to writing. Yes, that one.

So though I love twitter, in the future I will have to make an extra effort to ignore the fabulous iPhone, and fore go learning of all the sweet tweets and links of information throughout the work day. I think that my work days are not in as much danger of interruption from the other networks I have joined, Of course there is always after work hours, so all is not lost. Oh yeah, that's when I'm supposed to be writing...

Are you making an on-line presence for yourself?

Thanks for stopping by.


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