Thursday, September 15, 2011

A different spin on Tessa's Necklace

So Cassandra Clare has one, yes one ARC of Clockwork Prince to give away. She has decided to run a contest where the winner receives said ARC. The contestees (is that a word?) just has to come up with something creative that relates to the Infernal Devices series.

Well, I made my own version of Tessa's Clockwork Angel pendant.

So. Do you like?


Sarah McGlumphy said...

Oh my gosh, that's amazing! How did you make it? I would totally buy it if you were selling, jus' sayin' :)

Or if you do know where I could buy one like it, message me on facebook! :)

Cassidy said...

Hey guys - seems this pendant gets a lot of views. If someone is interested in buying one - I'm listing a few more on this weekend. Look my Shop is just under Cassidy Finn.