Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nathan Bransford's Blog

I stumbled across this Agent's Blog some time ago (roughly a year), and admit I go there daily. Yes daily. I even check in on the weekend on the off chance that Nathan has decided to leave us with tidbits of information during "non business hours". So far no such luck. I know, he has a life too.

I even entered his "First Paragraph Contest" he held recently, and though I was not selected as a runner up or winner, I felt good about the entry. I have lots to learn, but feel I have great stories to tell and as I continue to write them, the writing improves.

Yesterday he ran a poll asking the readers of his blog if they each (individually) thought they were better writers then a majority of the other blog readers. Wow, some of the comments. I thought it was a fun question. I answered yes. Like a few commented, maybe he should have had a 3rd choice. I probably still would have answered yes. Fooling myself maybe? I don't know.

After I answered, I sat and thought about it a bit more and realized that my entry into his "First Paragraph Contest" definitely was not better then the average entry, But I did feel I was just as good as most. But I keep looking past my first paragraph. I know where the story goes, but anyone reading that first paragraph certainly did not. I have a great storyline, but it definitely did not show in the first paragraph. Since the contest, I have revised it to include what I'm hoping will be "the hook". Gotta get that hook in early or the reader may not be interested.

Nathan has a great Blog, like so many other agents and writers. They freely give information on their sites to help others striving to enter and excel in this industry. I'm slowly but surely culling through all of the links from one site to another, and adding them here as Blogs or sites I visit frequently. I encourage you check these out if you haven't already.

Do you have a favorite Literary Blog you follow?

Thanks for stopping by.

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